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Taking care of myself in 2025


Hearts held above hands representing self-love
Hands and hearts

This may be my last blog, as my TBI brain can only express itself so often without increasing the neurological damage.

It has been almost 12 years since I was nearly murdered, and to say that I have gotten better in that time would not be true. Over the last 12 years, I have learned to manage my brain strength, which has allowed me to be social and hold down a part-time job. Some people may say this is thriving, but it’s not; it’s me SURVIVING daily. I survive every day with my TBI.

I get so frustrated at my job when I receive compliments about my appearance and intelligence. I can only put on this mask for a very short time during the day, but since it is the only thing people see, they conclude that I am getting better or that I am doing okay. The truth is, every day is a struggle, and I have to SURVIVE daily with my TBI. I manage and plan my day around my disability, letting people only see the smallest side of it.

As you may know, I have a TBI bill of rights, which you can find here. It reminds me to keep going and it has stopped me from giving up numerous times in my life. Jesus also gives me strength in my public life, through his word in Matthew 6: 17-18.

In closing, continue to strive to live your life with “Power, Love, and a Sound Mind,” as taught in God’s word. Blessings for 2025

Thomas Quinlan--


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